Slamtec robotstudio ubuntu
Slamtec robotstudio ubuntu

Parameters serial_port ( string, default: /dev/ttyUSB0) Call the service to start the motor of rplidar.Call the serive to stop the motor of rplidar.

slamtec robotstudio ubuntu

it publishes scan topic from the laser.Published Topics scan ( sensor_msgs/LaserScan) It reads RPLIDAR raw scan result using RPLIDAR's SDK and convert to ROS LaserScan message. RplidarNode rplidarNode is a driver for RPLIDAR. SLAM based on RPLIDAR and ROS Hector Mapping: The driver publishes device-dependent sensor_msgs/LaserScan data. RPLIDAR will self-adapt the current scanning speed. Users can customized the scanning frequency from 2hz to 10hz freely by control the speed of the scanning motor. For a scan requires 360 samples per rotation, the 10hz scanning frequency can be achieved. RPLIDAR A3 performs high speed distance measurement with more than 16K samples per second, RPLIDAR A2 performs high speed distance measurement with more than 4K/8K samples per second, RPLIDAR A1 supports 2K/4K samples per second. By means of the high speed image processing engine designed by RoboPeak, the whole cost are reduced greatly, RPLIDAR is the ideal sensor in cost sensitive areas like robots consumer and hardware hobbyist. It provides 360 degree scan field, 5.5hz/10hz rotating frequency with guaranteed 8 meter ranger distance, current more than 16m for A2 and 25m for A3. RPLIDAR is a low cost LIDAR sensor suitable for indoor robotic SLAM application. This package provides basic device handling for 2D Laser Scanner RPLIDAR A1/A2 and A3.

Slamtec robotstudio ubuntu