Cygwin's Bison, flex, and patch (optional) This is only required if you need to modify GLSL ES grammar files ( glslang.l and glslang.y under src/compiler/translator, or ExpressionParser.y and Tokenizer.l in src/compiler/preprocessor).Visual Studio Community 2015 Update 2 Required to build ANGLE on Windows and for the packaged Windows 8.1 SDK.Required to generate projects and build files, contribute patches, run the unit tests or build the shader compiler on non-Windows systems.

If you are not familiar with git, helpful documentation can be found at. Development setup Version ControlĪNGLE uses git for version control. You can use these to build and run OpenGL ES 2.0 applications on Windows. ANGLE provides OpenGL ES 2.0 and EGL 1.4 libraries and dlls.